THE PEOPLE of the State of New York, by the Grace of God, Free and Independent.

To Catherine McQueen Widow the relict, John McQueen a son of Peter McQueen late of Salem in the County of Washington deceased and Alexander Gault, send Greetings.

WHEREAS the said Peter McQueen as is alledged, lately died intestate, having whilst living, and at the Time of his Death, Goods, Chattels, or Credits within this State, by Means whereof the ordering and granting Administration of all and singular and said Goods, Chattels, and Chattels and Credits; and also the auditing; allowing and final discharging the Account thereof, doth appertain unto us; and we being desirous that the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased, may be well and faithfully administered, applied, and disposed of, do grant unto you the said Catherine McQueen, John McQueen & Alexander Gault full Power by these Presents, to administer and faithfully dispose of all and singular the said Goods, Chattels and Credits, to ask, demand, recover and receive, the Debts which unto the said Deceased, whilst living, and at the Time of his Death, did belong, and to pay the Debts which the said Deceased did owe, so far as such Goods, Chattels,and Credits will thereto extend, and the Law require, you being first duly sworn, well and faithfully to administer the fame, and to make and exhibit a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the said Goods, Chattels and Credits; and also to render a just and true Account thereof, when thereto required: And we do by these Presents ordain, depute and constitute you the said Catherine McQueen, John McQueen & Alexander Gault Administers of all and singular the Goods, Chattels and Credits which were of the said Peter McQueen IN TESTIMONY whereof, we have caused the Seal of our Court of Probabtes to be hereunto affixed: WITNESS Thomas Tredwell Esquire, Judge of the said Court, at the City of New York the seventh Day of October in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven hundred and Eighty six.

                                                                                                      Dan Judson Clk