Will and Proof - Caleb Wright - Greenwich
Washington Co., NY Wills, Vol. B1, p. 308
Written: 23 Jun 1837
Proven: 17 Jan 1839
In the name of God, Amen. I, Caleb Wright, of the town of Greenwich, County of
Washington and State of New York, being weak in body but of sound mind and
memory, blessed by Almighty God for the same, do make and publish this my last
Will and Testament in the following manner.
First, I give my soul to God who gave it, and my body to be mingled with its
mother dust. As to those earthly blessings which God hath been pleased to
bestow upon me I dispose of the same in the following manner. I give and
bequeath to my beloved wif Polly Wright one third
part of all my real and personal property during her natural life.
I give to my son David S. Wright five dollars in addition to what I have
heretofore given him.
I give to my daughter Sophia Rofs (or Ross) Eleven
hundred and fifty dollars and what I have heretofore or shall hereafter give
her before my decease all of which is to be considered a part of the above sum.
I give to my daughter Anna Gavett Eleven hundred and
fifty dollars and what I have heretofore or shall hereafter give her before my
decease all of which is to be considered a part of the above sum.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Marianna Wright Eleven hundred and fifty
dollars and also a privilege in my dwelling house while she remains single and
all that I give her before my decease is to be considered apart of the above
I give and bequeath to my son John F. Wright the farm he now lives upon and
have executed a deed of the same which I hereby direct my executor hereafter to
be named to deliver to him after my decease.
I give and bequeath to my son Benjamin Wright the Farm which he now occupies
and have executed a deed of the same, which I hereby direct my Executor,
hereafter to be named to deliver to him after my decease.
I give to my two sons Morgan Wright and Leroy Wright all the real estate I now
occupy and one span of full midling good horses and
harness, and also all my Farming Utensils. I have executed a deed to them of
the real estate which I direct my Executor, hereafter to be named to deliver to
them after my decease.
And if after the above portions are made out as above directed and any residue
yet remains, I direct my Executor to divide the same equally among my three
daughters, Sophia Rofs (or Ross), Anna Gavett and Marianna Wright.
I hereby appoint David Wright and Asel Gavett Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby
revoking all former Wills by me made.
In witness where I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty first day of
June in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirty seven.
Caleb Wright (s.s.)
Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Caleb Wright to be his
last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our
names as Witnesses in the presence of the testator.
Lyman Hall of Hartford }
Jonathan S. Hall of Hebron} Washington County, N.Y.
Hiel E. Hale of Hartford }
Washington County
Surrogate Office
I, Alexander Robertson, Surrogate of the said county do certify the foregoing
to be a correct record of the last Will and Testament of Caleb Wright, late of
the town of Greenwich due noted, proved before me as a Will of real and
personal estate and recorded the 17th day of January 1839.
Washington County Surrogate Court
In the matter of the estate of Caleb
Wright, late of
Washington County
Lyman Hall of the town of Hartford and Jonathan S. Hall of the town of Hebron,
being duly sworn in open court do severally depose and say, that they are
subscribing witnesses to an instrument in writing now produced and shown to
them, bearing date the first day of June 1837 purporting to be the last Will and
Testament of the above named deceased, that the said deceased did, in the
presence of the said witnesses and Hiel E. Hall
subscribe his name at the end of the said instrument, and at the same time
publish and declare the same as and for, his last Will and Testament, and that
these deponents and Hiel E. Hall at the request and
in the presence of the said deceased and in the presence of each other,
subscribed their names thereto as witnesses to the execution thereof, that at
the time thereof the said deceased was of sound disposing mind and memory,
above the age of twenty one years, and under no restraint, to the best of these
deponents knowledge and belief, and the said Lyman Hall for himself says, that
he wrote the said Will at the request of the said deceased and according to his
directions, and that it is now in the same condition as it was when executed
without any alterations therein to the best of his knowledge and belief; and
further these deponents say.
Lyman Hall
Jonathan S. Hall
Sworn the 14th day of January 1839
before me A. Robertson, Surrogate
Washington County
Surrogate Office
I, Alexander Robertson, Surrogate of the said county do certify the foregoing
to be a court record of the testimony taken before me, in proving the last Will
and Testament of Caleb Wright late of Greenwich deceased, as a will of real and
personal estate and recorded the 17th day of January 1839.
A. Robertson