Transcribed by J. Mitchell, fourth
great-grandson of Ebenezer through the marriage of his daughter Permelia to Richard Russell. E-mail 11mitchell@mchsi.com
On February 24, 1838, Ebenezer Deuel/Duell
of Easton, New York, made his will. His wife Anna
was still alive. His son George W. lived close to him or with him in Washington County,
but his other surviving son Seneca lived in Canada. Grandson Sidney Deuel
was left $200; he must have been the son of Seneca by his Briggs wife.
Presumably, living daughters like Permelia inherited
instead of their children. By the time of this will, Permelia
had at least six children in Ohio, and she
received cash, her Ohio
children nothing. Christina received the promise of a comfortable living,
should her husband die; but she died in 1839. Grandsons Ebenezer and
Howard Allen were left money, and their father George was named as one of the
two executors; so Patty, the daughter of Ebenezer Deuel and
the mother of Ebenezer and Howard Allen, must have predeceased her father.
Grandson George Osborn, son of Lydia
and William Osborn, was also an heir, so Lydia must have died earlier.
(But Granddaughter Harriet Osborn received nothing.) Granddaughter Betsy
Sherman received $100, so her mother too had probably predeceased Ebenezer.
Below is my transcription of Ebenezer's will:
I Ebenezer Deuel of Easton County of Washington and State
of New York, considering the uncertainty of this material life and being of
sound mind and memory, do make and publish this my last will and testament in
manner and form following. That is to say, my will is that all my just
debts and funeral charges and just expenses of all kinds be well and duely paid and discharged by my executors hereafter named
and out of that part of my estate that is money.
Item, first I give and bequeath to my wife Anna Deuel
one-third part of all my real and personal property and where I now dwell
together with all my household furniture and kitchen stuff I own at the time of
my decease which I give in lieu of her lawful right of Dower in this my estate
as long as she shall remain my widow and after she shall cease to be my widow,
I then give all to my Daughter Permelia Russell who
lives in the State of Ohio and my son George W. Deuel to be equally divided
between them. I give and bequeath to my son Seneca Deuel who lives in upper Canada [modern Ontario] three hundred
dollars. I give to my daughter Permelia Russell
three hundred dollars. I give to my Daughter Christina Brill [?might be Bull] if she should be left a widow a comfortable
living out of my Estate which will be at the discretion of my
Executors. I also give to my son George W.
Deuel two hundred Dollars. I also give to my grand
Daughter Betsy Sherman [?] one hundred Dollars. I also give to my
grand son Sidney Deuel two hundred dollars. I also give to my grand
Son Howard Allen two hundred dollars. I also give to my grandson Ebenezer
D. [?] Allen three hundred Dollars. I also give
to my grand son George Osborn two hundred Dollars. Should there be
anything left, my will is that it should be sold at auction [?] and the avails [proceeds] to be paid to the above named
heirs agreeable to the above. I nominate and appoint George Allen and
George W. Deuel my Executors to this my last will and testament. Easton
February 24, 1838.
Signed and sealed in the presence of the testator Ebenezer
Deuel SS
Done at Easton
February 24, 1838
Doratus D. Dennis Easton