Washington County, New York
COOPER, John - Salem – 2-1

Source: Transcribed from SAMPUBCO copy
SAMPUBCO, P.O. Box 11874, Salt Lake City, UT 84148-0874

A Copy of Letters of Testamentary granted on the last Will and Testament of John Cooper deceased – Recorded April 20th 1803. ---- Washington County NY: The people of the State of New York by the grace of God Free and Independent. To all to whom these presents shall come or may concern send Greeting. Know ye that at Salem in the County of Washington on the twentieth day of April (Instant?) before Edward Savage Esq. Surrogate of our said County the last Will and Testament of John Cooper deceased (a copy whereof is hereunto amended) was proved and is now approved and allowed of by us; and the said deceased having whilst he lived and at the time of his death Goods, Chattels and Credits, within this State, by means whereof the proving and registering the said Will, and the granting administration of all and singular the said goods, chattels and credits, and also the auditing, allowing and the final discharging the account thereof doth belong unto us, the Administration of all and singular the goods, chattels and Credits of the said deceased, and anyway concerning his will is granted unto William Cooper and John Cooper Executors in the said will named, they being first duly sworn, will faithfully administer the same, and make and exhibit a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods, chattels and credits and also to render a just and true account thereof when thereunto required. In Testimony whereof we have caused the seal of office of our said Surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness Edward Savage Esq. Surrogate of the said County, at Salem aforesaid, the twenty first day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and three and of our Independence the twenty seventh. __
Edward Savage

A Copy of the last Will and Testament of John Cooper deceased – Recorded April 21st 1803.

In the name of God Amen. I John Cooper of Salem, County of Washington being sick of body but of perfect mind and memory do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament. First – I recommend my soul to God that give it and my body to the dust -- I will and bequeath to my daughter Mary Collins six bushels of grain per year during her husband Minister ship. I will and bequeath to my son William Cooper one half of the lot he now lives on him paying one half of the lone office money and one half of the bygonrent.(spelling) -- I will and bequeath to my son John Cooper the other half of the above mentioned lot him paying one half of the lone office money and one half of the byonrent.(spelling) – I leave said John fifteen dollars to be paid at the expiration of six years. – I will and bequeath to my daughter Martha Creighton six pounds out of what her husband oweth me. -- My daughter Jane I will her to be provided for as well as one of her sisters that is married. -- I will and bequeath to my son Joseph twenty pounds to be paid when the said cometh of age. -- I will that my sons George, David, Robert and James live together with their mother and work the land as formerly till they are of age, if any of them should marry let them work it on the shares. – I will that Elizabeth be provided for as well as her sisters. -- I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Jane her choice of the rooms in my house, two cows to be well kept and sufficiency of grain, her firewood cut and left handy to her and a horse when she hath occasion to ride – the housal furniture to be at her disposal. – I will that my Estates Real and Personal be divided equally between George, David, Robert and James when they all are of age after paying all lawful just debts and the legacy I have herein bequeathed. Also I constitute make and ordain my two sons William Cooper John Cooper to be my my Executers to execute this my last will and testament. – In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty seventh day of December one thousand Eight hundred and two. –
Signed and sealed } (signature) John Cooper [L.S.]
in the presence of us }
George Cooper, Joseph Cooper, John Hanna -- -- -- --

Washington County, NY Be it remembered that on the twentieth day of April 1803 personally came and appeared before me Edward Savage Surrogate of the said County George Cooper, Joseph Cooper and John Hanna of Salem in the said County who being duly sworn on their oath severally declared that they did see John Cooper sign & seal preceding instrument in writing purporting to be the last Will & Testament of the said John Cooper bearing the date the twenty seventh day of December one thousand Eight hundred two – and heard him publish and declare the same as and for his last Will and Testament. – That at the time thereof he the said John Cooper was of sound disposing mind and memory to the best of the knowledge and belief of them the deponents and that their names subscribed to the said will is of their own respective handwriting which they subscribed thereon as witnesses. – And be it also remembered that on the same day and year aforesaid William Cooper & John Cooper the Executors in the said will named appeared before me & were duly sworn to the true execution and performance of said will by taking the oath of an Executor as by Law appointed. ----------------
Edward Savage

Transcribed by
George Richard "Dick" Ott