Washington Co NY Wills Vol. S page 230

Luther Washburn of Fort Ann
probated 14 Nov 1883

I, Luther Washburn of the town of Fort Ann, county of Washington and State of New York, being of sound mind and memory and considering the uncertainty of this life do therefore make, ordain, publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testment, that is to say:

First, after all my lawful debts are paid and discharged I give and bequeath to my son Edgar B. Washburn the home farm where I now reside containing about three hundred acres of land and all the personal property thereon including horses, cows, sheep and young cattle and farming utensils, tools and machines thereon, excepting household furniture bills, notes, drafted chattel mortgages & bonds and mortages and other evidence of debts which I may leave at my decease.

Second. The balance of my property both real and personal I give and bequeath to my daughters, Emily J. Reed, Frances H. Washburn, Ida M. Washburn, Laura J. Washburn and Lena Washburn to be divided equally among them share and share alike.

Third. The executor of this my last will and testament and hereinafter shall retain out of the share of the property of each of the legatees above named one sixth of all my lawful debts including funeral expenses and suitable monument over my grave which he shall pay out of the moneys so retained.

Fourth. I likewise I make, constitute and appoint Edar B. Washburn of the town of Fort Ann, Washington County, New York to be executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made and the said executor shall sell the real estate and personal property given and bequeathed to my daughters as aforesaid, excepting the household furniture and execute a good and sufficient deed of said real estate, said sale to be made within eighteen months after my decease and the proceeds of such sale to be paid over to my said daughters within three months after such sale, share and share alike excepting the share going to my daughter Francis H. Washburn which shall be retained by my said executor in trust for her and to be invested by him for her benefit. He pay to her the interest thereon quartly and as much of the principal from time to time as in his judgement may be necessary for her proper support and maintenance and also except the moneys to be retained as mentioned in clause third.

In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal the 25th day of May in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty three.

Luther Washburn (LS)

Rodney Van Wormer, residing at Fort Ann, Washington County, N.Y.
Silas P. Pike, residing at Fort Ann, Washington County, N.Y.