Marriage of Ernest Rocque and Edith Leduc |
Whitehall Times August 1, 1918 Rocque-Leduc Marriage. Pretty Wedding Solemnized at Notre Dame des Victiores This Morning Ernest Rocque, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Rocque of Wheeler Avenue, and Miss Edith Leduc daughter of Charles Leduc, were united in marriage at a low mass at Notre Dame des Victoires church at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Peter Benion officiated. A wedding breakfast was served. They were attended by Romauld Rocque, brother of the groom and by Miss Bernice Gendron. The little brothers of the groom, Leo and Marc Rocque assisted at the mass which was largely attended. The bride and groom left town by motor after the wedding breakfast was served. The newlyweds are among the most esteemed and popular young people in the village. The Whitehall Chronicle Leduc - Rocque A very pretty wedding took place last Thursday morning at the Notre Dame des Victoires church when Miss Edith Leduc and Ernest P. Rocque were united in marriage. The bride wore a traveling suit of London Gray satin. Miss Bernice Gendron acted as the bridesmaid and Romuald Rocque, brother to the groom, was best man. A very appropriate breakfast was served by the groom's mother, Mrs. Ferdinand Rocque, 12 Wheeler Avenue. After the breakfast the young couple left on the 9:30 train for Rouses Point and various places North. The bride and groom have a host of friends who extend to them their best wishes. Return to Marriages Return to Main page |