Welcome to the Washington County web page!You are invited to join our Facebook group for people with Washington County Ancestors. The group is amazing! We have over 1000 members helping each other solve their brick walls. To join go to www.facebook.com/groups/washcty/ and click on Join Group. I will send you a facebook message asking you to respond with the names of Washington County ancestors you are researching. If you do not see the message, please send an email to washcty@hotmail.com. Click here to see a list of useful links submitted by group members. The Blossom Farm Cemetery, aka East Westfield Cemetery, is located in the town of Fort Ann, NY. It has been totally restored by a group of dedicated volunteers. Find out more at the facebook page, www.facebook.com/groups/Friends-Of-Blossom-Farm-Cemetery/ The email address for this site is washcty@hotmail.com. Because of the proliferation of viruses, please put the word Washington in your subject line to insure that your email gets through my filter. We are glad to help, but please put requests for info on the Query Board. Do you have a website with information about your Washington County ancestors? Send me the web address and I will add it to the ROOTS section. Click here to see the website for The Cambridge Historical Society and Museum The Civil War letters of Captain George I. Robinson NOTICE! Check out the Washington County Historical Society website, and consider becoming a member! The email address for the Washington County Historian, Stephanie Lemery, is: wchist@co.washington.ny.us. Please note, the Historian's Office is not connected with the Historical Society, listed above. NOTICE! Bill Carswell has volunteered to do lookups of the Greenmount cemetery in Whitehall. Email requests to bdmm@nycap.rr.com. Please email jpg copies of old photos, letters, and original true stories about your Washington County ancestors. All contributors will be acknowledged, and you will have the satisfaction of helping the millions of people whose ancestors came from here.
Washington County was organized under its present name in 1784. It was originally included in the counties of Albany and Charlotte (no longer in existence) and included a part of Vermont. Washington County is bounded on the north and east by Vermont, on the south by Rensselaer Co., NY, and on the west by Saratoga and Warren Counties.
©2006, G.A. Jackson; All rights reserved.
Page updated Friday, January 8, 2021.