Isaac Morehouse, Will
Hebron, Washington County, NY
In the name of God, Amen. I Isaac Morehouse of Hebron in the county of Washington and State of New York, considering the uncertainty of this mortal life, and being of sound mind and memory, do this second day of January in the year of our Lord 1836, make and declare this my last Will and Testament, in the manner and form following.
First: I resign my Soul into the hands of Almighty God, hoping and believing in a remission of my sins by the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ my Redeemer. And my body I commit to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my Executors herein after named; and my worldly estate I give and bequeath as follows.
1ST I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Morehouse the sum of four hundred dollars to be paid out of my estate in the manner herein after mentioned, and in case of his death before my decease, to his then surviving children equally.
2nd I give and bequeath to my son Samuel Morehouse the sum of four hundred dollars to be paid out of my estate in the manner herein after mentioned, and in case of his death before my decease, to his then surviving children equally.
3rdly I give and bequeath to my daughter Judith Carter the sum of one hundred dollars to be paid out of my estate in the manner herein after mentioned, and in case of her death before my decease, the said sum of one hundred dollars is then to be equally divided among my then surviving children.
4thly I give and bequeath to my daughter Polly Duel the sum of fifty dollars to be paid out of my estate in the manner herein after mentioned.
5thly I give and bequeath to my daughter Betsey Weaver the sum of fifty dollars to be paid out of my estate in the manner herein after mentioned.
6thly I give and bequeath to my son Isaac Morehouse the sum of fifty dollars to be paid out of my estate in the manner herein after mentioned.
7thly I give and bequeath to the children of Horace Morehouse, my son now deceased, one hundred and fifty dollars in the manner following, that is to say, I give to Warren Morehouse my grandson twenty five dollars, also to Agnes Morehouse my granddaughter one hundred dollars, also to Horace Morehouse my grandson twenty five dollars all which legacies to be paid in the manner herein after mentioned.
8thly I give and devise to Hannah Morehouse the widow and relict of my son Seneca Morehouse deceased the lands and tenements with the appurtenances there unto belonging occupied by the said Seneca Morehouse in his lifetime supposed to be about three acres of land be the same more or less to have and to hold the same so long as she shall be and remain his widow and no longer, and in case she shall not remain his widow but shall marry, the said premises shall then belong to the then surviving children of the said Seneca, my son deceased as aforesaid.
9thly I give and bequeath to my grandson George E. Morehouse the sum of fifty dollars to be paid out of my estate in the manner herein after mentioned.
10thly I give and bequeath to Hannah Morehouse the said widow of my son Seneca, the sum of three hundred dollars to be paid out of my estate in the manner herein after mentioned, Provided always and the above bequest last mentioned is given upon this extra condition, that if the said Hannah shall remain with me during my natural life as my house keeper, and take care of me in my old age and commit no waste of my goods or household stuff and remain unmarried unless by my consent and appreciation, the said sum shall be paid to her as in above stated, but in case she shall fail to fulfil the above stipulations, then and in that case the above bequest shall be paid to the then surviving children of my son Seneca, deceased, as aforesaid, share and share alike.
11thly I also further will and remain, that the Executor of this my last Will and Testament, for and towards the performance of my said last Will and Testament, shall with all convenient shall after my decease bargain, sell and alien, convey and dispose of for the best price they can all the personal and real estate of which I may die possessed of or that may belong to me at my decease and for the doing, executing and perfect finishing whereof, I do these presents give to my said Executors full power and authority to grant them, alien, bargain, sell, convey and open & dispose of all my goods, chattels, property and estate as aforesaid, to any person or persons, and their heirs forever, by all and every such ways and means in the law, as to my said executors or to their counsel learned in the law, shall seem fit or necessary.
12thly I do hereby declare expressly that my said executors shall not be charged or chargeable with or accountable for any loss which may happen to any of my property after my decease unless such loss shall happen in consequence of their willful neglect after assuming to act.
13thly And finally, all the rent residue and remainder of all my estate and effects, real and personal, whatsoever not herein before effectual disposed disposed of, after paying my debts, the above legacies, and funeral expenses and all legal charges and distributions in settling my said estate, I give and bequeath to my surviving children Share and share alike.
14thly And it is my further will that as soon as my property can be disposed of lawfully and the money obtained for the same that my debts may be paid off first, and the legacies and bequests as soon as may be there after.
15thly And I do hereby constitute and appoint my son Thomas Morehouse, William Button and John Button my sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament.
In writing whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Signed, sealed, published and declared, by the said testator, as and for his last Will and Testament, in our presence, who, at his request, in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.

Isaac Morehouse L.S.
his mark

W.W. Bliven, Merchant, resident of the town of Hebron Washington Co., NY, Hiram Case, Farmer resident of the town of Hebron Washington Co., NY

Washington County
Surrogate Office}
I Alexander Robertson, Surrogate of the said county, do certify the foregoing to be a correct record of the last Will and Testament of Isaac Morehouse late of Hebron deceased found before me as a Will of real and personal estate, I recorded the 22nd day of October 1839 A. Robertson

Wash. Surrogate Court
In the matter of the estate of Isaac
Morehouse, late of Hebron, deceased}
Washington County
William W. Bliven and Hiram Case being duly sworn in open court do severally depose and say that they were acquainted with the above named deceased in his life time and were present and saw him make his mark at the end of the instrument in writing now produced & shown to them, purporting to be his last Will and Testament, bearing date the 2nd dau of January 1836, and that the said deceased at the same time published and declared the same, as and for his last Will and Testament, in the presence of these deponents, who, at the request of the said deceased and in his presence, and in the presence of each other subscribed their names thereto respectively, as witnesses to the execution thereof, that at the time thereof, the said deceased was of sound disposing mind and memory, above the age of twenty one years, and under no restraint to the knowledge and belief of these deponents.
Sworn the 22nd day of October 1839 W.W. Bliven
Before me A. Robertson Surrogate Hiram Case

Washington County}
John Butten being duly sworn, says that he wrote the instrument in writing which he now exhibits for probate and record, that he was present when the deceased executed the same, that after the said instrument was executed this deponent took the possession thereof at the request of the said deceased, for sage keeping, that he kept the same in his possession until he delivered it to the Surrogate of the said county for probate and record, and this deponent further saith, that the said Will is in the same condition as it was when executed without any alterations therein, to the best of the knowledge and belief of this deponent, and that the said will was written agreeable to the instructions of the said deceased, and further this deponent saith not.
Sworn the 22nd day of October 1834
Before me A. Robertson, Surrogate John Butten

Washington County
Surrogate Office, SS}
I Alexander Robertson Surrogate of the said county do certify the foregoing to be a court record of the testimony taken before me in proving the last Will and Testament of Isaac Morehouse late of Hebron, deceased, and recorded the 22nd day of Oct. 1839.
A. Robertson