HOPKINS, Thomas - Argyle Vol. 2 Pg. 191

A Copy of the Last Will and Testament of Thomas HOPKINS
Death Recorded this 12th day of April 1808

By the Permition of Almighty God Thomas HOPKINS, of the Town of Argyle, County of Washington & State of New York being Weak in Body but of sound and Perfect Mind, and Memory do make and Publish this My Last Will and Testament in Manner and form Following that is to say First I give and bequeath unto my sons Benjamin HOPKINS and David Sprague HOPKINS the Farm on which I now Dwell containing One Hundred acres of land in manner that Benjamin shall have sixty acres and David forty acres and Further that they Two shall have an Equal half and or share and share alike in the dwelling house, in the barns and in the orchard now growing. It must be understood that out of this above one hundred acres of land - I final will that my well beloved wife Hannah shall have during her life the one equal one third part thereof and the first choice of all my lands. I do also give and bequesth unto my eldest son John HOPKINS twelve Dollars & Fifty cents I do also give & bequeath to my sons James HOPKINS & Martin HOPKINS each Five Pounds. I do also give give & bequeath to my son Moris HOPKINS one Hundred Dollars. I do also give and bequeath to my sons Soloman HOPKINS and Thomas HOPKINS One Hundred Dollars each. I do also give and bequeath to my daughters Hannah PIKE and Susanah MAVENS Fifty Dollars each. Which said several bequest or sums of money I will and order shall be paid to this said respective Ligatures by my said Two sons Benjamin HOPKINS & David Sprague HOPKINS within Twelve Months after my demise and lastly I hereby appoint my said son Benjamin HOPKINS my sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament hereby revoking all Former wills by me made. In Witnes whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this Eleventh day of December in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred & Seven.
his mark

Signed Sealed Published and Delivered
by the above named Thomas HOPKINS
To be his Last Will and Testament in presence
of us who have hereunto set and subscribed our names or witness in presence of the Testator.
Anthony M. HOFFMAN

Washington County
Be it remembered that on the 11th day of April in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eight Before me, Isaac SARGENT Surogate of said County personally Came Previ? WILLIAMS one of the Witnes to the above Will who being duly Sworn Disclosed that he did see Thomas HOPKINS Sign Seal & Deliver and Publish the preceeding Instrument in writing proporting To be the Last Will and Testament of him the said Thomas HOPKINS being dated the Eleventh day of December in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seven and that he heard him Publish and Deliver the same as and for his Last Will and Testament And at that same time he the said Thomas HOPKINS was of Sound Deposing Mind and Memory according to the Best of his, the said Deponants knowledge and Beliefs and that his name Subscribed to said Will is of his own proper hand writing which he Subscribed as a Witness to said Will in the Presence of this Testator and the other Witnes Anthony M. HOFFMAN who died, Sign the Same as a Witness in the Testators Presence and in the Presence of this deponant.