Site of the Old Methodist Stump Church

Small cemetery

Located on The Stump Church road in North Cambridge,  NY




James             d. July 19, 1836, age 1 year 5months 12 days

Austin             d. July 24, 1836  age 3 years 9 months 15 days


(information from contributor: the parents of above children are Humphry and Ruth (Austin) Almy.  They moved to Chautauqua County shortly after the deaths of their sons)



John                d. December 14, 1789, age 2 years

Infant son       d. November 1810

   Children of J. & W. Austin


(information from contributor:  the parents of the above children are John and Waty (West) Austin, and brothers of Ruth Austin)


John               d. October 28, 1838   , age 75 years

   Friends and Physicians could not save,

   My mortal body from the Grave,

   Nor shall the Grave confine me here,

   When Christ my Saviour doth appear.


(information from contributor: Husband of Waty.  Waty went to Wayne County with son Phineas where she died and is buried.)



Contributed by Linda Brown




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