1LT Haviland Gifford

This is a photo of Haviland Gifford. At the time of the photo, he was a 1st Lieutenant in the 93rd Regiment NYSV. Haviland was from Easton, Washington Co., NY, and at one time was an owner of the Easton Inn. There are details about him and his service in the American Civil War in Jane Betsey Welling's "They Were Here Too."

From: They Were Here Too, Vol. 3, pg. 9:
(Reprinted by The Sleeper Co., 1994)

Haviland Gifford had an enviable Civil War record. He enlisted September, 1861 as volunteer in the Washington County Regiment which Colonel Crocker, lawyer of Cambridge, was recruiting; advanced to 1st Lt. and Adjutant at Albany, November, 1861 and after surviving the great battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania and Chancellorsville took part in the siege of Petersburg and Richmond where he was in command after Colonel Crocker was captured and invalided at home. He was mustered out as Lt. Colonel in charge of the 93rd New York at Albany June 29, 1865.

The photo was submitted to the Washington Co., NY, web page by Leslie Gifford

Picture courtesy of the US Army Military History Institute

1LT Haviland Gifford

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