"...on the 12th day of March 1772, a county was formed from Albany by the Legislature of New York, to which the name "Charlotte" was given, in honor of Queen Charlotte, the wife of King George the Third. This was the actual beginning of the county of Washington; the organization having been retained from that time down, though both name and boundaries have been changed.
 "On the east of the Hudson, the south line of the new county began at the mouth of Stony creek; ran thence east three miles and three-sixteenths; thence south to the Batten Kill; thence along that stream to the south line of Princetown; and thence east to the west line of Cumberland county, which was the summit of the Green mountains. From this point to Canada those mountains formed the eastern boundary of Charlotte county. From the mouth of Stony creek, the western and southwestern line followed the windings of the Hudson up to the northwest corner of the present town of Luzerne, in Warren county, ran thence west along the present north line of Saratoga county to its northwestern corner, and thence northwardly along the present west line of Warren county extended to Canada. The north line of Charlotte was of course the south line of Canada, or the forty-fifth parallel of north latitude.
 "It will be seen that the present towns of Easton, Cambridge, Jackson, White Creek, and the southwest part of Greenwich, remained in Albany county. On the other hand, Charlotte county contained all that part of the present State of Vermont west of the Green mountains and north of the northwest corner of Jackson, the whole of the present counties of Warren, Essex, and Clinton in this State, and the eastern part of Franklin county."
Text taken from "History of Washington County, NY" by Crisfield Johnson, originally published 1878.
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