Submitted by Rosemary The Whitehall Times, October 1896 Hymeneal Rocque - Normandin The first wedding held in the new edifice of Church Notre-Dame des Victoires and at the same time, one of the most elaborate held in this vicinity in some time was that of Miss Francilia Normandin, to Ferdinand Rocque, both of this place, held Monday evening. It is not the rule of the church to hold marriage ceremonies in the evening but as the bride was one of the founders of the Alter Society of the Church and for some time it's President, Rev. J. A. Ethier performed the ceremony at this time. Long before seven o'clock the church was filled with the friends of the two young people to witness the ceremony. At soon before eight o'clock the bridal party arrived. The ushers, Louis Hebert, Theodore Bellegarde, Mederic St-Hillaire and Victor Matte proceeded the aisle followed by the Alter Society of which twenty-one were present. Then came the maid of honor, Miss Ella Bellegarde, Attired in white brilliantine, trimmed with yellow silk and lace. The bride leaning on the arm of her father. She wore a beautiful dress of white silk with pearl trimmings and a veil. The groom followed with his father. The bridesmaids were Misses Eva St-Hilaire, of this place and Emma LaBerge, of Cohoes: the groomsmen Charles Farmer (Terrien) of West Troy and Alphee Normandin of this place. Rev. J. A. Ethier, addressed the young couple briefly, after which the ceremony which was very impressive was performed. A reception was tendered the bridal party at the home of the bride's parents on North William Street. The young couple left on the sleeper for Montreal, Canada: on a honey moon amid the well-wishes of a host of friends. The church was very tastily decorated with cut flowers and potted plants under the direction of Mrs. Michael Bellegared. The happy couple were the recipients of a number of beautiful and useful presents. Among those who were in attendance from our town were Mr. and Mrs. Adolphe F. Normandin, of Cohoes: Mrs. Adelard J. Charpentier, of Rutland, Vt.: Miss Rose Farmer (Terrien) of Green Island and Miss Jane Veilleux of St. Albans, Vermont. Return to Marriages Return to Main page |